Latest Past Events

Source Water Protection Week

The best way to assure we have high quality drinking water at the tap is to protect our beautiful water sources. If we keep our rivers, lakes and underground wells free from pollution, it's easier and less expensive to keep water safe and healthy. AWWA invites water utilities, Sections and other partners to join the […]

World Rivers Day

World Rivers Day is a celebration of the world’s waterways. It highlights the many values of rivers and strives to increase public awareness and encourages the improved stewardship of rivers around the world.

World Water Week


For 30 years, SIWI has organized World Water Week. Today it is the world’s most influential movement focused on transforming global water challenges. World Water Week 2022 will take place 23 August to 1st September online and in Stockholm! This new edition will offer opportunities to connect face to face and propose online components to […]