Latest Past Events

Source Water Protection Week

The best way to assure we have high quality drinking water at the tap is to protect our beautiful water sources. If we keep our rivers, lakes and underground wells free from pollution, it's easier and less expensive to keep water safe and healthy. AWWA invites water utilities, Sections and other partners to join the […]

National Groundwater Awareness Week

Groundwater Awareness Week (GWAW) is taking place March 10-16 in 2024! An annual observance established in 1999 to highlight the responsible development, management, and use of groundwater, the event is also a platform to encourage yearly water well testing and well maintenance, and the promotion of policies impacting groundwater quality and supply. Groundwater advocates across […]

National Groundwater Awareness Week

  Groundwater Awareness Week (GWAW) is taking place March 5-11 in 2023! An annual observance established in 1999 to highlight the responsible development, management, and use of groundwater, the event is also a platform to encourage yearly water well testing and well maintenance, and the promotion of policies impacting groundwater quality and supply. Groundwater advocates […]